

Body image

I was talking with one of my friends the other day about how our view on what we perceive as ''beautiful'' has changed over the years. In the early days people were rich and fertile when they carried some extra pounds, and now it is exactly the opposite. I have to admit I let it affect myself more than I would like to admit. 
Looking at this picture, I absolutely love it. Girls in different sizes, with an smile on their face. Isn't that whats important in life? But then how did we get such different expectations on our looks. Why do we advertise that people with a size 0 are happier and more successful in life, let alone healthier. In the end it is about taking care of your own body and fueling it with the energy and nutrients it needs to grow strong. It is such a shame that the media is telling all of us to loose some pounds. Maybe for health reasons yes, not for someone else. But when we are healthy and happy, there is no need to change anything about our looks! Why do magazines and celebrities show us so many unhealthy choices? Our body is a temple, we only have one and need to care for it. 

I found this picture on the internet and wish I'd found it when I was younger. Read it, and perhaps save it onto your computer. Have a look at it every once in a while. I made a list of the things I like about my body, and some things I am insecure about. I focus on the things I like, even though that is harder than point out your 'negative' sides. 

At last I want to say that every person is beautiful, unfortunately the media has created this 'perfect' human being that does not exist but we should all strive for. This is sad and it takes a lot for a person to feel comfortable in their own skin. When I notice an insecure person, I like to give them a compliment about something. A genuine one. It can literally save a person from throwing up, or not eating their dinner that night. Tell a random stranger or a distant friend this week a positive compliment. This might be the only positive thing they will hear that week. 

With love,
a not size 0 -Jessica

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