

Beauty routine for dry skin

Because the air is so dry in wintertime, my skin has a hard time during these months. Therefore my beauty routine is different depending on the season. My skin tends to be normal and sensitive in the summer, but very dry and sensitive in the winter. So if you are blessed with the same pain in the butt, or you want to help someone out, keep on reading. 

1. Moisturizer

This things works miracles for me. It is really the only moisturizer that works for my skin. I have tried many different ones, but they never really did the trick. However, there is hope for all of us. The Palmers Cocoa Butter Formula for dry and ashy skin performs miracles  I have read reviews were people didn't like the smell of the product, but it doesn't bother me that much. In combination with exfoliating your skin twice a week, the flakes around my nose have disappeared. I would recommend this product for everyone with dry (and sensitive) skin, with flakes and an itchy feeling. And for less than 6 bucks it's not bad at all. 

2. Exfoliating
Because of the dry flakes on my skin I would like to scrub it everyday to get rid of them. However, this will not be beneficial for your face and could make it worse. Try not to do it more than twice a week. What has worked for me were the face scrubs from Neutrogena. In the summer time I use the pink grapefruit oil-free, but because it has no oil in it, it is not suitable for the winter. I have also heard positive things about Aveeno, so I might be trying that one out when I run out of it. Stores likes the body shop and Lush sell products with natural ingredients, so for the combination of dry and sensitive skin I would go there and ask for some samples. Just remember to be gentle with your skin, no matter how much you want to get rid of your flakes. 

3. Primer
This is probably my rescue, together with the palmers moisturizer. The Benefit porefessional helps me to get rid of my huge pores. They are -almost completely- gone. This product is definitely an investment, it doesn't come cheap, but it is a sacrifice I like to make. So what this product does is fill up your pores and leaves a clean skin with no valleys. This was actually the product that made me want to wear face make up again because my foundation was always so visible. I thought it was because of the wrong moisturizer, but I needed something to fill up my pores. I received a sample of Z-pore, which is a product that should do the same thing, but for me it didn't have the result as the porefessional. So the price of this product is not so nice. For .75 ounces you pay around 30 dollars. But the tube goes a long way, I only use a bit on my cheeks and around my nose, and have had it for 6 months. 

After moisturizing my skin and applying primer, I go to the next step, which is applying my foundation. Many people have given me the advice to apply foundation with your fingers or a beauty blender if you have dry skin. However I am not a fan of having the foundation just chilling on my fingers, because I will get it everywhere. (seriously, clothes, hair, curtain  etc). Currently I am using Mac Studio fix fluid in NW15 mixed with Max Factor CC cream 'fair'. I apply this with the buffer brush from Real Techniques. It gives the best finish, it is like my face is airbrushed. A damp beauty blender will also do the trick, and might be better than using a brush. I try not to push to hard on my skin to avoid new flakes, so this is when the beauty blender comes in handy. 

Face wash
I clean my face at least at night time, but try to do it as well in the morning. Be careful with the products you use and and don't use hot water. Use a gentle cleanser and look on the list of  ingredients before purchasing it. Avoid products with perfume, alcohol and propylene glycol. The last two will take the moist out of your face, leaving it even more dry (and itchy). 

Last tips and tricks
  • Use face masks. You can make them yourself with avocado to moisturize your face, or get them in the store. 
  • Cover up your face as much as possible. I usually put a scarf over my cheeks to avoid the dry air. 
  • Drink water and avoid alcohol
  • Use products with oil in them, rather no powder foundations
  • Shower short not too hot and moisturize afterwards. 
  • Don't touch your face and the flakes. 

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