There are few people I know that do not enjoy traveling, experiencing new things and expand their horizon. But I do know some who rather stay at home or in their own area than going ever abroad. Which is absolutely fine right, we are all different and enjoy different things. But this does not apply to me, not even close. Nothing makes me happier and feeds my soul more than traveling, experiencing and seeing new places and meeting local people. It amazes me everyday the beauty and variety this earth has to offer.
I have been lucky enough to travel to so many places, the jungle in Guatemala, the skyscrapers of New York, the Rocky Mountains, museums of Paris, gondolas in Venice, the king Charles bridge in Prague and so many more places. I couldn't pick one favorite spot, but my favorite place is the mountains. I don't care which mountains, anywhere will make me happy! There is one thing that I got to take of my bucket list last month! I looked at previous post, one of the earliest ones I wrote which was on my bucket list. I had compiled a list of 10 things that I wanted to see. Well, on top there was (1) seeing the Northern lights. And I am so happy to say I got to see them just three weeks ago. You can say that one of my reasons to study abroad in Finland was to see the northern lights (I know, that is such a good reason ;) ). Anyways, I have been thinking about other places that I want to see, hopefully in the next 10 years.
As obsessed as I was with seeing the beautiful aurora borealis, as obsessed I am with going to Peru and seeing Machu Picchu. In Guatemala I visited Tikal, and was intriged with the Mayan Ruins. However, it did not satisfy me enough. It is one of the seven wonders of the world, and built by the Inca population many many years ago.
How convenient, another place in South-America, perfect to combine! The salt flats in Bolivia are the largest in the world, with beautiful sights. Ever since I saw this about 10 years ago I told myself I would go and see while I am capable of doing so. They say if there is just a little bit of rain it gives the perfect reflection (and pictures).
Well I am already at the American continent, I might as well fly all the way up north. I have watch documentaries on Discovery and National geographic on Alaska since forever and just mesmerized by the beauty and diversity it has to offer. I want to go whale watching, walk over frozen lakes, cross the beautiful mountains and enjoy whatever this state has to offer.
All the way on the other end of the globe we can find a small country in the ocean. This is another country which has beautiful nature. I have heard about great hiking trails, peaceful scenery and beauty all around. I would love to go pack my bags and find my way around here. Why so far and expensive though :(
Formerly I wanted to go here because of the northern lights. Now I still want to go there because that place is just pure awesomeness. If you don't know where it is you might want to use google maps. It is all the way up north and belongs to Norway. Again, it has nature and animals as polar beers and the arctic fox. I think it would also just be cool to go that far north if you cannot go to the north pole. In the summer the sun doesn't go down, while in the winter it doesn't rise. Yet to find the best time of the year to go up there.
I have noticed that the most places I want to go to make me want to go because of the nature and landscape. I notice while I enjoy city trips, they are just less adventurous and are not that wide in variety in what they can offer me. I'll keep you updated and hope that I can visit one of these in the next couple of years!
What places are or where on your bucket list? Or do you not have one and find it baloney ;)
If you want to discover great Norwegian nature, concider lofoten, or just drive around in the winter, Norway has grand nature all over and all of the northern parts have northern lights (The same as svalbard), (In the middle, we have northernlights, but if you go a bit up north they're much more impressive) but there is more people who can help you around :) Not many elderly speak english, not too many younger people either, so you get the same nature without getting lost xx
I love to travel, my husband and I are trying to make a list of places to travel before we have Kiddos. I would love to visit New Zealand, I have relatives that live there.